There is increasing concern within the equestrian industry about how horses are housed and managed. Confinement and isolation goes against the horse’s natural instinct for movement, social interaction and to graze for much of their day. When horses are stabled for long periods of time this can have a significant impact on their physical health and lead to frustration, boredom, anxiety and ultimately stress.
Unfortunately, many horse owners don’t have the opportunity to turn their horse out as much as they would like, and vets may recommend box rest when a horse injured or unwell. So how can we optimise the stable environment to improve the horse’s quality of life?
In this webinar recording equine behaviour consultant Justine Harrison looked at stable management, offering invaluable insights and practical tips to enhance the well-being of your horse when stabling is necessary.
You will learn about:
• Natural horse behaviour
• The horse’s basic behavioural needs
• How stabling can impact the horse’s mental and physical wellbeing
• Strategies to reduce equine stress when stabled
• How to enrich your horse’s stable environment
• Tips for managing a horse on box rest
After the presentation, Justine answered questions from the audience.
This presentation is for horse owners, students, equine professionals interested in horse training and behaviour.
Once enrolled you have 60 days to watch this recording.
Archived webinar recording