Research indicates that many horse owners, riders, and equine professionals often struggle to recognise lameness in horses. Problematic or unwanted behaviours that occur as a result of pain or discomfort are frequently misattributed to the horse simply being “naughty.”
It can be easy to identify if a horse is hobbling or dragging their feet, but less obvious signs of lameness or low-level pain are often overlooked. Recognising these subtle indicators is crucial for early intervention and effective care.
In this webinar, veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton and veterinary physiotherapist Holly Gallacher will explore how to identify the less obvious behavioural and bio-mechanical signs of lameness. They will provide practical tips to help you detect early signs of discomfort, allowing for prompt treatment, reduced costs, and shorter recovery times for your horse.
Webinar content includes:
After the presentation, Roxane and Holly answered questions from the audience.
This presentation is for horse owners, students, equine professionals interested in horse behaviour and physiology.
Once enrolled, you have 60 days to watch this recording.
Archived webinar recording